Our women's ministry's desire is to draw women closer to the heart of God and His plan for their lives. We encourage spiritual growth, personal development and leadership among our women. Events are hosted throughout the year to promote relationships and accountability to each other. We strive to contribute to the general welfare of our home church and our community. These events are highlighted in the church bulletin.
Our purpose is to see children grow as Jesus did. "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men." (Luke 2:52)
It is our honour and privilege to serve you and your children at Pure Word Christian Center. We are committed to partnering with you in guiding your child on the path to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. It is our desire to provide a Christ-centered, interactive, fun, and safe environment for your child to learn and build lasting relationships. The children's ministry begins at birth and goes through the 5th grade.
The nursery is divided by ages-infants to 1 year olds in the infant's room and walkers up to 2 years old in the toddler room. Our nursery staff is made up of caring volunteers that desire the best care possible for your children. We want you to feel confident that your child/children are in a secure, safe environment while you are in service. We do have a "well care" policy and ask that any child who shows any sign of illness, such as runny noses, cough, fever etc. remain with you during the service.
Kids Church begins when your child turns 3 years of age. We believe that it is never too early to begin building a foundation of faith; even the littlest of children have a tremendous capability to learn and apply Biblical principles. We have caring volunteers who teach your children to love and honor God in all they do.
Kids Church is also divided by ages and rooms. Ages 3-5 year olds are in one room and 6-10 year olds. Both rooms are located in our Youth Centre. Children are dismissed out of the main auditorium after praise and worship and are escorted by the Kids Church staff and helpers. Children must be picked up by their parents at their classroom following the service. They are not released until the parents arrive.
Our Kids Church teachers are made up of volunteers who strive to teach your children Biblical principles that they can base their life on. It is a fun, filled atmosphere where we sing, worship, interact and most of all learn of Christ and His teachings.
"An Epic by definitions pertaining to a long poetic composition usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated." This to us is the message of Jesus Christ. We are a group of students committed to telling that story and having the message of Christ become the story of our lives. He is the hero that calls us to a life of great achievements lived out in Him.
Meets every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 for grades 6th - 12th
Our Senior Adult group consists of adults who are 55 years of age and older. They are an extremely vital part of our church ministry. Their activities include: a weekly prayer service with singing, Bible study and prayer. They have scheduled activities that consist of both local events and out of town trips.
All Sunday services are recorded and are available for a donation of $7.00 per DVD and $5.00 per CD. There are media order forms in the foyer. Simply fill one out and place it in the tray on the sound room door. Orders will be ready the following Sunday for pick up. You can also view services on line. To order online, email the media department and be sure to include your mailing address and phone number.
Media Ministry Staff
Calvin M
Media Coordinator
Calvin M
Camera Operator